Monday, June 8, 2009

Change Your Mind Day

For one who know little about Zen Buddhism, it was an educational and a most interesting experience, Saturday, June 6, as I was asked to be the documentary photographer for a day of planned events.

See the photos here:
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3

The events included Shakuhachi Flute music, Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, and several inspirational talks from notable Buddhist dignitaries. A crowd of fifty or sixty people participated, and enjoyed these leaders:

Gary Ygetsu Sharp, Sensi
Shakuhachi Flute Musician

Mark Eko Morris
Heart Circle Sangha

Ray Ruzan Cicetti, Sensei
Empty Bowl Zendo

Rev. Joan Hogetsu Hoeberichts, Sensei
Heart Circle Sangha

Carlos Valdes-Dapena

Bhikkhu Bodhi
Bodhi Monastery

Joseph C.Y. Chen
Tai Chi

Robert Kennedy, S.J., Roshi
Morning Star Zendo