I love this lens! Canon EOS 70-200 f/2.8 IS USM L. Hard to believe that Canon felt it necessary to make improvements to it. They just released an update that has a closer focus distance, and focus's faster.
I'm a designer and a photographer.
I play well with others and I don't run with scissors.
I know how to tie a fisherman's knot!
And, I can pat my head and rub my stomach at the same time.
I'm a Multitask er.
I'm married to Julianne, who spins circles around me.
I've got two daughters, who spin me in circles.
Our dog Molly... she's a picky eater and sometimes sits and spins to itch her butt.
And, there's Sock Puppet, the cat. Sometimes we call him Chicken, Little Eddie Munster or... Kitten.
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